01 November 2012


Sam, Roan, my mom, and I went to Kensington, a neighborhood in Brooklyn just past Prospect Park, to go trick-or-treating with my friend Matt, his wife Holly, their girls Annie and Maisie, and the wonderful Delores (whom you may remember from a past post).

 I used to go to Matt's house in White Plains every year for Halloween.  Back in the 70's and 80's even the Upper East side wasn't really safe enough for going door to door at night to ask for candy.  Also,  I was the only kid in my building (rent controlled building = lots of old people).  One year we stayed in the city for Halloween for some reason.  My mom preemptively went to all of our neighbors and gave them candy to give to me when I knocked on the door, but she gave everyone the same thing.  I remember coming back despondent because I got nothing but Hershey's Kisses.  Oh, the life of a city kid!

Anyhow, off we set - Annie as a medieval princess, Maisie as Hermione from Harry Potter, and Roan as mad Max from Where the Wild Things Are.

Roan did not want to put his costume on until he saw Annie and Maisie all dressed up.  I think he figured out pretty quickly how much attention and, ahem, candy he was going to get.

It was a great trick-or-treating neighborhood, super friendly and with a healthy dose of over-the-top houses.  We got stopped about once a block by people taking Roan's picture.  At one point another kid dressed as a zebra walked right up and climbed into the boat with him, which was hysterical.




When we got back to Matt and Holly's house the girls immediately tallied up their bounty and began trading - Kit Kats for Milky Ways, 2 Tootsie Rolls for a Snickers, etc, which is exactly what Matt and I used to do as kids.

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