16 April 2012


A glorious spring is already pushing it's way into summer in New York, which has led to the most incredible extended blossoming season in recent memory. The trees have been like this for weeks:
Fort Greene Park flora

Warmth leads to rebirth leads to renewal leads to new shoes leads to shopping.  I find myself perusing.   Perusing leads to things like this:

I have never been a huge shopper for the kids - I got so many hand-me-downs I really didn't need anything - but seeing a lovely dress that I might have bought for Lula somehow solidifies in very tangible terms how gone she is.  I so miss dressing her.  Apart from needing access to her g-tube nothing mitigated the fun of it.

Choo train pinafore

Buying clothes for Roan doesn't offset that one bit, partly because boys clothes tend to be so utilitarian or even downright frat boy-esque.  I have decided that I am going to do my best to channel a little of Lula's whimsical style into Roan's outfits, so I bought him aqua Thai fisherman's pants and gold sandals.  He digs it.

A spring in his step!

In honor of Spring Roan bought the love of his life (aka Ana) some flowers and insisted on carrying them home all by himself.

Here's to Spring: a new beginning.

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